Massage Therapy is recognized as one of the oldest methods of healing, with references in medical texts to its use about 4,000 years ago. It is widely accepted as an effective treatment for reducing stress, decreasing muscle pain and stiffness, and for aiding in rehabilitation and postural realignment.
How Can Massage Therapy Benefit You?
Massage therapy can be tremendously beneficial for people of all ages and conditions. While it is known best to benefit the ill, the injured and the stressed, massage is also a great treatment in preventing illness and conditions before they develop.
Regular therapeutic massage from a Registered Massage Therapist can be an excellent part of your health maintenance.
Massage is often thought of when people are in need of relaxation, and undoubtedly it’s a great tool to help you unwind, however, it can also be useful in so many other ways.
Relieve stress
Promote relaxation
Release toxins in muscle tissue
Reduce the tension within muscles
Treat frustrating musculoskeletal pain
Increase the mobility of restricting scar tissue
Ease contractured joints and encourage joint nutrition
Encourage a sense of well-being and positive mood changes
Prevent new injuries that may be caused by muscular imbalance
Improve circulation of blood and facilitate movement of sluggish lymph fluids
Assist with the correction of postural problems by releasing restrictions to contracted
muscles and strengthening over-lengthened muscles
Achieve full-body relaxation and experience an increase in energy
Reduce or eliminate pain related to headaches and migraines
Assist in post-injury and post-surgical rehabilitation
Relieve various respiratory conditions symptoms
Reduce levels of anxiety and depression
Improve immune system functioning
Treat Repetitive strain injuries
Aid in pregnancy discomfort
Increase body awareness
Ease back pain
And many more beneficial effects…
Karen Switzer, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist
1315 Canford Crescent
Mississauga, Ontario
L5J 3M9